Supported Employment

Avidd Community Services and Bethel Ridge’s Supported Employment Department is a training and placement program for adults with developmental disabilities emphasizing job retention. Our program has CARF accreditation, an internationally recognized distinction for meeting the highest standards of excellence in community programs, personnel, and documentation of services.



  • Dependable, long-term employees who work hard, are committed to personal and professional growth, and are driven to perform their job well
  • Free screening, interviewing, and training services
  • Successful job matching of the individual to the job


  • Securing and maintaining a high-quality job matching the individual’s interests
  • Earning competitive wages
  • Lifelong access to an Employment Specialist
  • Enhanced confidence
  • Enabling people with developmental disabilities to experience a life of quality that includes acceptance, responsibility, accomplishment, and independence

We offer a continuum of pre-placement training, supervised training, job placement, and community-based employment to developmentally disabled adults aged 18 and over. Avidd & Bethel Ridge assist in the long-range job placement of these adults and provide follow-along services with the goal of retention.

Employment services offered are individually designed to meet the goals of each person. In developing jobs, support coaches consider each individual’s skills and interests, which are then matched to the needs of an employer. We provide the necessary support for the success of both the employee and the employer.

For information, please contact Melissa Blanchard, Coordinator of Community Supports at (973) 664-1770 x19